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JL. Cisitu Lama VA 160B Bandung 40132  West Java-Indonesia


·   Sulzer Hickham Indonesia, Cikampek-West Java

Job trainee, January 2004-February 2004

- Study the reparation and services on Terry Steam Turbine


- Took part on turbomachines maintenance


·   PT. Daya Adira Mandiri, Bandung-West Java

Engine tune up trainee, August 2000

- Study the engine light services on motorcycle


- Took part on motorcycle tune up


·   KSS Student College, Bandung-West Java

Part time teacher, September 2004-Present

- Teaching high school Math and Physics


- Private teaching of junior high school student


·   Tri Mulia High School, Bandung-West Java

Part time teacher, Nov’ 2004-January 2005

- Teaching high school Math



·   Platform

Windows 9x/XP, MS Office Applications

·   Mechanical Engineering CAD


·   AutoCAD R14/2000

5 years of practical experience on 2D drawings and sketching

·   Solid Work 2001

1 year of practical experience on 3D drawings and assembly

·   MSC Visual Nastran

1 year of practical experience on 3D animations and visual FEA

·   Teaching

Class and private teaching of junior and senior high school student

·   Senior High School

1 year experience of teaching Math, Physics, Chemistry

·   Junior High School

9 months experience of teaching Math and Physics

Managing and Project Leaderships:

·   Balinese Dance Course

Leader of Balinese Dance Course

Bandung-West Java 2000


·   Hindu Student Society

Chancellor of weekly member meeting

ITB-West Java 1999


·   United Student Society

Chancellor Member of campus orientation for new students

ITB-West Java 1999


·   Mechanical Engineering Student Society

Project Leader of graduate celebration

ITB-West Java 1999


·   Mechanical Engineering Student Society

Board Member of new member recruitment

ITB-West Java 1999


·   Balinese Dance Course

Project Leader of annual performance

Bandung-West Java 1999


·   Balinese Art Student Society

Leader of new member recruitment and training

ITB-West Java 1999


Volunteer Experiences:

·   Balinese Art Performance, West Europe

Dancer, July 2002

Hold traditional dance and musical performance in France and Germany


·   Motorcycle Light Engine Tune Up, Bandung-West Java

Mechanic, July 2000

Hold and took part on car and motorcycle engine light tune up


·   Nasional High School, Bandung-West Java

Part time teacher, May 2004

Hold discussions and teaching high school Math


·   Balinese Art Student Society, ITB-West Java

Trainer, 1999-2004

Train Balinese music instruments, and dances to the new members



·   Bandung Institute of Technology,

ITB-West Java, July 2004

Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering


·   State Senior High School 4 Denpasar

Denpasar-Bali, 1995-1998

·   State Junior High School 1 Kuta

Kuta-Bali, 1992-1995

·   State Elementary School 1 Kedonganan

Kuta-Bali, 1986-1992

Scientific Institutional Publications:

·   Bachelor Degree Thesis

ITB-West Java, June 2004

Title         : Desain dan Konstruksi Boneka Mekanik dengan Software Gambar Solid

Objective: Virtual designing and constructing a human skeleton mechanical puppet

Abstract : Virtual designing of human skeleton mechanical puppet using mechanical CAD (AutoCAD 2000, and Solid Work 2001), virtually animated using MSC Visual Nastran, and continued by mechanical construction actuated with DC motors and electrical controls

·   Job Trainee Report

Cikampek-West Java, January 2004

Title         : Inspeksi dan Perbaikan Rotor Turbin Uap Terry Model 104-JT (P-3/4)

Objective: Observe the inspections and maintenance of Terry Steam Turbine

Abstract : Observing the overall maintenance of turbomachinery equipment (compressors, gas and steam turbines, pumps, and casing), especially Terry Steam Turbine, including; inspections, repair, assembling, and packaging

·   Entrepreneurship Assignment

ITB-West Java, December 2004

Title         : Peluang Bisnis Boneka Mekanik

Objective: Observe and analyse the business opportunity of mechanical puppet production

·   Mechanical Elements Assignment I

ITB-West Java, July 2003

Title         : Desain dan Kalkulasi Turbin Air Microhydro

Objective: Recalculate and analyse the engineering specifications of Microhydro Water Turbine

·   Mechanical Elements Assignment II

ITB-West Java, December 2003

Title         : Desain dan Pembuatan Kendaraan Mini Tenaga Jet

Objective: Design and construct a mini waterjet powered vessel

·   Mechanical Design Assignment

ITB-West Java, December 2003

Title         : Desain dan Konstruksi Topeng Gajah Mekanik

Objective: Design and mechanical analysis of mechanical elephant mask

·   Bahasa Indonesia Assignment

ITB-West Java, December 1999

Title         : Pengaruh Pupuk NPK dan Urea terhadap Pertumbuhan Kecambah

Objective: Observe and analyse the influence of Urea and NPK fertilizer on soybean growth


·   Prof. Dr. Ir. Indra Nurhadi

Bachelor degree thesis chancellor

Computational Laboratory

Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology

·   Prof. Dr. Ir. Komang Bagiasna

Bachelor degree education chancellor

Dynamics Laboratory

Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology


·   Semi final contestant

STKIP Singaraja-Bali, 1997

Olympic of Senior High School Chemistry of Bali Province


·   Contestant

Udayana University-Bali, 1996

Olympic of Senior High School Physics of Bali Province


·   Final, 3rd position

EEC Denpasar-Bali, 1996

English contest of Senior High School of Denpasar Regency



·   Bahasa Indonesia

Mother tongue, fluent speaking and writing

·   English

TOEFL Grade 576 held by ITB (Institutional)

·   Reading comprehension


·   Listening comprehension


·   Structure & written expression



·   Balinese Arts


Gamelan (Balinese traditional musical instruments), dances, painting and drawing

·   Sports


Mountain bike, cross country walking, karate, fitness, jogging

·   Teaching


Private teaching of senior and junior high school math, physics, and chemistry

Individual Datas:

·   Born  

Kuta-Bali, February 26, 1980

·   Religion


·   Status


·   Family

I Komang Weka



I Wayan Berata



Ni Made Sukarmi


·   Address

JL. By Pass Ngurah Rai 73 Kedonganan, Kuta-Bali 80361 Indonesia

